Slow Green Thing – für einige aus Sachsen und außerhalb bereits ein Begriff – ist eine Stoner/Doom Truppe aus Dresden. Die Band ist stark beeinflusst durch den Hardock der 1970‘s Jahre, mit Ausschweifungen zum Heavy Metal. Dazu überwiegend Stoner-Rock und Doom-Metal-Elemente bilden den roten Faden der Band. Psychedelischer Gesang und Jamming runden das ganze Paket ab. Mittlerweile 4 Longplayer und eine EP im Schlepptau, machen sich die vier gerne mal breit auf dem grünen Podest.
Slow Green Thing – already a known name to some in Saxony and beyond – is a Stoner/Doom crew from Dresden. These guys are majorly vibing with ’70s hard rock, with nods to heavy metal. Mix in mostly Stoner-Rock and Doom-Metal elements, and that’s their signature thread. Psychedelic vocals and jam sessions wrap up their whole deal. With four full-length albums and an EP under their belts, these four are spreading their sound on the green stage.
With one foot in the hard/classic rock of the 70‘s/80‘s and the other in the swampy heaviness of today‘s stoner metal/doom scene Slow Green Thing, Sven (guitar/vocals), Dave (guitar), Joerg (drums) and Martin (bass), are one of those bands once heard, never forgotten.
Frazer Jones aka Desert „FDJ“ Psychlist, 2019
The quartet has a distinctive groove that is very much their own, a signature sound that marries melody with crushing heaviness without over leaning in either direction, the band walk. It would be so easy for Slow Green Thing to fall in to the trap of being heavy just for heaviness’ sake, but they avoid this by injecting into their songs a melodic air both vocally and in the structure of their musical arrangements, tempering and counterbalancing all the heaviness of their grooves with soaring psychedelic guitar solo‘s and clean, clear vocal melodies, allowing spaces where the music can take a breath before diving back down into doomic depths.
Around the head of this green beast thing floats a heavy cloud of sludgy groove-doom-riffs, carrying a footnote of classic rock from the 70s and 80s, delicately blended with the sounds of modern times. Fine grunge vibes, spherical sounds vibrate together with the melodic and catchy voice of singer Sven, who must have eaten the vocal chalk of Alice in Chains! This slow green beast is heavy on riffs, but blows a perfectly delivered spiritual vibe-cloud out of his nostrils! With this album the four guys from Dresden have proven that they are by all means one of the many great bands of their genre! This slow green beast has gold dust under its claws!
Mel lie // Doom Charts, 2020
Amygdala is firing on all cylinders in the production department with this being perhaps the best record that Slow Green Thing have put out to date. The record is LOUD and BOMBASTIC in all the right places and allows the music to grow and become HEAVIER naturally.
Steve Howe //, 2020
Slow Green Thing have delivered the goods with this album and Amygdala is one that demands many repeated listens.
The first SGT release happened early 2014 with „I“ EP, containing 5 songs and counting about 30 minutes of playing. It was recorded by a Dresden based dude Hannes and has its authentic, raw and heavy touch:
Between fall 2015 and December 2023, Slow Green Thing was part of Fuzzmatazz Records and produced a total of 3 longplayers on this basis.
Besides gigs, which happened before the great pandemic almost every month, the band was working on new songs and then for the first time entered a professional studio end of 2015. Niklas Wenzel (Virtuose Vibes Tonstudio) did a great job as a sound engineer and the bands first long player record „II“ has been released in June 2016 with 7 songs and about 50 minutes:
Two years later the band was ready to release the next record – „III“. Since the co-working with Niklas and Virtuose Vibes Tonstudio was satisfying, the band went one more time to the sacred halls. The songs are now more experimental than the previous records, the record saw the world in April 2018:
Almost at the same time further new songs were created, so the band had enough stuff to be recorded – and the dudes did it again at the Virtuose Vibes Tonstudio. The fourth record is called AMYGDALA (July 2020) and has its own very special touch. The record was released in the middle of the worldwide pandemic situation. Although it was almost impossible to get a live show this time, the band happily found an opportunity to do so and a real record release show happened with help of local Dresden based subculture dudes from Elbsludgebooking in front of happy and high folks:
Thanks to the pandemic, the band had enough time to create new stuff in 2020. Six new songs then took their place on the new record – Wetterwarte / Waltherstrasse – release: March 2024
In between, new works continue to be created, which will certainly be released sometime soon.

ex Burning Motors

currently at Black Karma
ex Stonehead

ex Steaktransfer